I’m still waiting for people to realize that Donald Trump is the result of people like George Carlin and Bill Maher teaching people to uncritically accept the most cynical explanation as the best one. It’s true that world can be cruel but for some reason people feel the need to accuse democrats of running a pedophilia ring out of the basement of a pizzeria and stealing the election. Maybe because we’ve become so used to ordinary scandals that they need to raise the stakes to arouse public anger. Civility and a certain degree of optimism are necessary for social change because knee-jerk thinking, whether optimistic or pessimistic, can be manipulated to preserve the status quo.
"for people to realize that Donald Trump is the result of people like George Carlin and Bill Maher teaching people to uncritically accept the most cynical explanation as the best one"
I’m still waiting for people to realize that Donald Trump is the result of people like George Carlin and Bill Maher teaching people to uncritically accept the most cynical explanation as the best one. It’s true that world can be cruel but for some reason people feel the need to accuse democrats of running a pedophilia ring out of the basement of a pizzeria and stealing the election. Maybe because we’ve become so used to ordinary scandals that they need to raise the stakes to arouse public anger. Civility and a certain degree of optimism are necessary for social change because knee-jerk thinking, whether optimistic or pessimistic, can be manipulated to preserve the status quo.
I strongly agree with this:
"for people to realize that Donald Trump is the result of people like George Carlin and Bill Maher teaching people to uncritically accept the most cynical explanation as the best one"